
Hybrid Flooring

Hybrid Flooring is a modern flooring material that is waterproof, durable and affordable. Explore our curated range of timber-look hybrid floors at Multifors.

Hybrid Flooring

Hybrid Flooring is a recent development in alternative timber flooring. Hybrid floors improve on the techniques used by vinyl and laminate flooring to offer the benefits of both.

This results in a sturdy, affordable flooring material that looks fantastic, feels soft underfoot and lasts a long time. Hybrid floors are completely waterproof and can go anywhere, including your bathroom or your kitchen. 

Best of all, these floors are easy to DIY install with a simple Drop, Lock and Click system. Check out our curated range of high-quality, timber-look hybrid floors below.

hybrid flooring
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63% of direct labor time is wasted on waiting for materials and equipment

That includes travelling to the area, taking early breaks, and planning how to do work. Approximately 10% of which is wasted on waiting for materials. We’re here to give you the digital tools to find products and get them delivered to your site without the hassle.

Here is what we have

Why should I choose Hybrid Flooring?

Hybrid Flooring offers the look and feel of timber for a fraction of the price, while still being more practical than other timber alternatives like vinyl, laminate or veneer

The highly waterproof and temperature-resistant nature of hybrid flooring is what really sets it apart from these other materials – it can go almost anywhere without worry. Being able to place a timber-style floor in a bathroom or kitchen can open up a whole new world of design possibilities.

Finally, hybrid flooring is easy to install, making it a great option for a DIY flooring project. Simply drop, lock and click the boards into place to secure them. That’s all there is to it! Looking after these floors is easy and low-cost. While hybrid floors can still scratch or dent with hard use, it is significantly cheaper and easier to repair than timber.

Handy Tips and Advice

Keen to find out more about hybrid flooring, or after some inspiration for your next professional or DIY flooring project? Check out our tips & advice blogs below for more.