The next generation in specialty formulators

Sealers & Cleaners

Whether you’re looking to seal and safeguard surfaces or seeking powerful yet eco-friendly cleaning solutions, our categories offer a selection of products tailored to your needs. Explore now and embrace a greener approach to maintenance and cleanliness with Environex.

Envionex Sealers - Feature Image
Envionex Cleaners - Feature Image

Welcome to Environex

As the name suggests, Environex represents the Next Generation of Specialty Chemical Formulators. Australian owned and operated with a national supply chain, Environex is the first choice in chemicals when Quality, Service and Supply are essential. From Water Corporations to Power Stations, Food Manufacturers to Stone Importers, Environex has the quality chemicals and service you require and deserve.

Environex specialise in cost down and optimisation initiatives while at the same time reducing the environmental impact of chemical effluent in wastewater. Environex offer environmentally friendly chemical alternatives in all core silos.

Specialist technical personnel across the nation partner with your business to monitor the current and future chemicals consumed with the aim to reduce the impact on the environment and reduce costs to your business.

Advice & Tips

Been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it.