Here’s Why Litokol is the Best Grout for Pool Builds and Wet Areas

If you’re a pool installer or tiling professional, you’re always looking for better epoxy grout. Something that will improve your wet area builds and deliver great results for your clients. 

Well, look no further than Litokol. This is an easy-to-apply, technologically advanced grout that performs at a very high level. Litokol’s two-component, acid-resistant epoxy grout products like Starlike EVO enjoy a huge following in Europe, but they’re little known in Australia. 

We deal with a lot of different trade professionals every day at Multifors, including tilers and pool builders. We’ve also got around 50 years of building & construction experience. And we honestly think that Litokol is one of the most exciting products we’ve ever dealt with.

Here’s why we think Litokol is a better grout than anything else on the market right now, especially for wet areas and pool builds.  

1. It’s an epoxy that’s as easy to apply as cementitious grout

These days, epoxy grout is the go-to grout for wet areas and pools. It’s common knowledge that it’s better-performing and much more water-resistant than cementitious grouts.

Unfortunately, epoxy has also earnt a mixed reputation amongst tilers, as the consistency can feel more frustrating to work with and to clean up after. That’s why one of the biggest things that impressed us about Litokol is how incredibly easy it is to apply, with great results and minimal clean-up.

Don’t worry about wrestling with a rubbery epoxy grout or cleaning up a huge, grout-haze mess. This stuff is easy to apply and carries a 1hr pot life. It sets like glass and has an extremely high-quality seal – something we’ll talk in more detail about later. This grout is so easy to apply, it puts even the simplicity of cement grout to shame!

To make clean-up even simpler, Litokol sells Epoxy Grout Scourer Pads that activate a detergent in the grout when rubbed over the joint, making clean-up as simple as one more wipe-over with a damp cloth. This stuff is going to save you time and effort, as well as delivering impressive results for your clients.

2. Starlike Crystal EVO makes mosaic pools look incredible.

Litokol is particularly famous for their unique and sometimes boundary-pushing finishes and additives, which include sparkling & metallic tones and even a glow-in-the-dark grout.

Yet there’s one product that really stands out for pools, especially when used with the glass mosaic tiles that have become such a classic pool cladding option. We’re talking about Starlike Crystal EVO, a technologically advanced, translucent epoxy grout that uses Litokol’s patented special formula.

This grout contains tiny quartz microspheres that allow sunlight to filter straight through the grout, refracting and greatly enhancing the colour of your glass mosaic tiles. When the sunlight hits the pool, this grout will give your tiles a level of sparkle that you won’t believe. It’s the best choice for when you want your tiles, not the grout, to be the star of the show.

Don’t believe us? Check out this testimony on Houzz from a woman who hated the basic white grouting job that her pool installers had given her expensive Italian mosaic tiles. After discovering Litokol Crystal EVO, she had them replace their first grouting job with Litokol. She goes on to say that the level of service from the Litokol staff was outstanding.

Don’t wait for your customers to start asking for this grout. If they’re the kind of person who wants the best available, then show them Litokol. It’s the real deal.

3. Litokol’s waterproof seal is extra-strong and bacteria resistant.

If this talk of glow-in-the-dark grouts and clear glass microspheres has you suspicious that Litokol is all about gimmicks, don’t be. This is a serious, premium product that outperforms basically every other grout on the market.

This grout has high mechanical resistance and can withstand water damage from swimming pools or other sources. Salt and pool chemicals also pose no risk to this particular grout, and as mentioned it is incredibly easy to clean up, even compared to cement grouts.

It’s also bacteriostatic, meaning that mould and fungi will not grow, and it is non-absorbent and stain-proof.  Overall, this two-component epoxy grout is an impressive mix. Litokol has put a lot of time, money and effort into researching its scientifically advanced formula. 

They have quite a bit of prestige in Europe, too – their HQ is based in the heart of the Italian Ceramics District, and their grouts are highly sought after for mosaic pools across Italy and well beyond. We’re pretty happy to be spreading the good word here in Australia.

4. It’s environmentally friendly and very safe to work with. 

When you’re a trade professional, you can really appreciate why the safety of the products you use is so important. Working with grout day-in and day-out can expose you to some hazardous and unhealthy chemicals, so it’s refreshing to see that Litokol has truly put the safety of their product front and centre. 

Unlike most grout products on the market, Litokol has only one ingredient that’s listed as an irritant. This is extra impressive when you consider that most grouts contain chemicals that are labelled as toxic or corrosive. This time, the health and safety of the installer have been put first. 

Using their patented Zherorisk compounds, Litokol keeps VOC emissions incredibly low by all standards.  You can count on this product to be safe for you to work with, as well as being non-hazardous and environmentally sustainable in both the short and long run. You’ll also find up to 10-50% of recycled material used in products across the Litokol range.

These are the four main reasons we consider Litokol to be the best epoxy grout available, especially for pools and wet areas. If you’re a professional tiler or pool installer, then you need to get across this product. It’s high-quality and safe to use, with long-term results that look fantastic.

We’re big fans of Litokol here at Multifors, and we’re proud to be one of the exclusive Australian distributors. We stock a diverse range of Litokol Products, including the Starlike EVO Range, Starlike Crystal EVO and other useful wet-area products like the Aquamaster Liquid Membrane.

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